Spokane Kendama Crew Seshes With Sol Pro Models

June 28, 2021

Spokane Kendama Crew Seshes With Sol Pro Models

Spo-Ken (short for Spokane Kendama) is a group o fkendama players out in Spokane, Washington.

They have recently produced an edit where they take out a few of our Sol For Mods out for spin - no pun intended. There is something about just a group of friends taking the time to film great tricks and capture the fun of playing kendama with a local community. And that is exactly what this video shows - good friends, good kendama playing, and good times. 

Spo-Ken VS Sol Pro Models

The edit is full of technical tricks and you can tell some of them (if not all) must have been a battle. Kendama has had a community in Washington state and most of the pacific northwest for some time, so it is not surprising to see a variety of talented players from there jammed into one epic edit. Besides the cool tricks, a lot of shots feature some amazingly beautiful Spokane scenery and landscapes, both urban and rural. 

Overall it is just a great edit, and a perfect example of an independent crew making something for fun with their homies.

Give it a watch below!  

Follow the players featured in the video on Instagram!

@schneebs_ @qiesey_ @kendamapuke @elijahlane.kd @logan.kendama @jschultz57 @cameron_yodama @asapcrvst

Graphics by @kendamapuke

Edit by @schneebs_