We here at Sol Kendamas love to take kendama to new heights, and that's why we have started a new series where we attempt to set new records, or beat previous records in kendama.
Our team has achieved a few kendama world records in the past, and so we wanted to keep the momentum going with another intense line of consecutively executed tricks that will make the record books!
This time, Sol Kendamas co-owner Chad Covington was going for most cushion lighthouse flips landed in a row and finishing with the spike!
Watch the video below to see Chad make 13 cushion lighthouse flips ending with a spike, setting the world record:
If you enjoyed this video, check out these other records we have set:
Boarder's Balance Flips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLyYb...
No Hole Wing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAoT8...