What Kendama Should I Buy?

July 05, 2018

What Kendama Should I Buy?

Variety of Sol Kendamas

Where do I start?

So you're in the market for a kendama, and you have no idea where to begin. We are here to give you some advice on what to look for when buying a new kendama, and to help you make a more confident decision when purchasing your first kendama. As a beginner, it is hard to go wrong when buying a kendama, because most kendamas will be able to accomplish the same tricks at a beginner level. Different kendama models, wood types, paint types, paint designs, and tama patterns start to come into play when the difficulty of tricks progress further. Below are three lists of varieties of kendamas that we have available on our site. Click any of the selections to see what these kendama look like.

Wood Types (learn more)

Paint Types (learn more)
Natural - No Paint
Rubber/Silk Paint - Grippy
Sticky Paint - Extra Grippy

Tama Designs
Natural Wood
Solid Colors
Horizontal Stripes
Wood Laminations

What difference do these varieties make?

Each variety of kendama has its own benefits, so it is up to you to decide which model you prefer most. If you are looking for a kendama that will last you a long time, we suggest going with a wood type like maple, because it is very durable. All of our Sol Vibes are made of maple wood and feature several unique paint designs. If you are looking for a kendama that is simply beautiful, we would suggest going with one of our Natural Sol Flow Kendamas. These kendamas are made from a combination of wood types, and make a great addition to any shelf. If you want a kendama that is very simple, but is easy to learn tricks on, our Sol Pastels are the way to go. The Sol Pastels are made of beech wood, which is very traditional for kendamas, and they feature very sticky pastel colored paints. Sticky paint allows you to learn intermediate to advanced level tricks with ease, and helps you grip the ball when doing tama grip tricks. As we said in the beginning, it is hard to go wrong when buying a kendama, so don't get caught up in all of the details, and try to pick one that fits your style best. These products above are our baseline products, and often times, we will release limited edition kendamas on our site. If you think that your interest more aligns with our limited edition drops, make sure to stay tuned on our instagram account @solkendamas for when they release. We hope that this post has answered some questions for you, and has helped you make a good decision for your new kendama. If you have further questions, make sure to contact us, and we will get back with you shortly.

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